Not All Suppliers Have the Same Flexibility…

In the world of chemical cleaning, there are certain kinds of flexibility that Spanjer can offer you as a client… and each can make a real difference to your business. What are we talking about? A number of things… #1: There’s the way your chemical products can be manufactured; here at Spanjer, we give you…

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Has Success Ever Smelt Sweeter?

In the world of cleaning chemicals, fragrance and performance often go hand in hand. They certainly do here at Spanjer, where our chemists have mastered the art of creating powerful fragrant formulations that achieve exceptional results for our clients… typically enabling them to see an increase in both margins and market share. Yes, it’s an…

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To make things more profitable, Let somebody else do the ‘making’

Unless manufacturing is actually a core strength of yours, it’s probably a thought that has already crossed your mind. To outsource your manufacturing. Especially in those moments when certain issues come to the fore. Such as? Increasing capital expenditure Compliance risks Mounting insurance costs Insufficient internal expertise Limited capacity At such moments, the idea of…

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