Unless manufacturing is actually a core strength of yours, it’s probably a thought that has already crossed your mind.
To outsource your manufacturing.
Especially in those moments when certain issues come to the fore.
Such as?
- Increasing capital expenditure
- Compliance risks
- Mounting insurance costs
- Insufficient internal expertise
- Limited capacity
At such moments, the idea of contract manufacturing may seem irresistible.
Especially if the products in question are chemical, where there is a raft of additional criteria to consider.
The question then arises.
How can you choose your chemical supplier with confidence?
May we suggest that you do your homework. That you visit their premises. Speak to their past customers. Quiz them on their credentials. And perhaps even give them a trial run.
And there’s also a particular name we’d like to throw in the ring. Our own.
We’re Spanjer. We formulate and manufacture ‘white label’ cleaning chemicals for a particularly wide range of clients – many of them respected household names, both in the automotive industry and elsewhere.
(Think of us as ‘the name you don’t know behind the names you do’.)
The way we see it, our clients’ reputation is literally in our hands.
And we’re here, not just to make your products, but to make your business more successful, and your working week free of those headaches you can certainly do without.
We’d be happy to give you an outline of how we can support your business success, and be a trusted partner, rather than ‘just’ a supplier.
If you’d like to make things more profitable for yourself – by having us do the ‘making’ for you – get in touch today.